Friday, February 7, 2020

Why Visit Indonesia

According to old stories, Indonesians are known as friendly people. Many foreign tourists after visiting Indonesia especially after visiting Yogyakarta said this. The friendly nature of the Indonesian people is a manifestation of the cultural values ​​that exist in society. Almost all cultures in Indonesia teach good manners and good behavior. The majority of Indonesian people themselves still uphold these values.

Appreciation as a friendly nation is not a figment. According to Pandji Pragiwaksono in his book Finding Indonesia, when compared to Singapore, the friendly nature will be very visible. According to him, it was very difficult to find a taxi driver there who smiled at the passengers.

But this reality also needs to be a reflection of the Indonesian people. The friendly attitude of the Indonesian people whether Indonesian people are very friendly and kind, or maybe the people of other countries are behaving poorly. So that it highlights the Indonesian people who are a little friendly

If indeed the Indonesian people are friendly people. So cultural elements like this need to be preserved and preserved. So that good values ​​continue to stick and become the nation's identity. The opposite applies, if there are unfavorable cultural elements, they need to be eliminated.

Besides being friendly, Indonesian people have a relaxed nature. They even tend to be relaxed. The life of the majority of Indonesians goes with a slow rhythm. There are still many Indonesian people who hold the principle of "everything can be arranged".

Pandji Pragiwaksono's message in his book is that Indonesians need to get to know their own culture. Describe the culture in words. Pay attention to the words that have been made, try to compare and look for words in English or other languages. If that unique word does not have an equivalent word from another language, it could be that culture is indeed in Indonesia.

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